Miss Bandicota Bengalenisis digs up the seashore

By Saanvi

Author – Aditi Ghosh

Miss Bandicota Benglenisis was not just any little Indian mole-rat. She had magical eyes like no other mole rats. She is truly called the explorer mole-rat. So every night she digs up a new burrow and unearths a new place. On her trek she would take her explorer kit, it had a magnifying glass, binocular, sunglasses, and her favourite strip of sticker bandages. This time her journey takes her to a seashore where she met some diverse animals that she had never seen before. During her journey, she had learned that not all humans are malicious. At last, she was so fatigued but she never gave up to dig a new burrow to explore a new place

So all my dear friends quickly grab this book and get ready for your adventurous journey

Happy reading!

I recommend this book to those who are venturesome by heart.

Recommended age group: 8-10 years