Aurora: A Young Writers’ Retreat

Aurora: A Young Writers’ Retreat
Nascent thoughts, uncertain ideas, buried feelings, faraway imagination! When they all interplay, it can create magic! Just like those particles up in the sky mysteriously produce a dazzling display of dancing lights and colours when they collide. Let’s bring our scattered thoughts and create beauty on Earth with our words!
Welcome to Aurora: A retreat for young readers and writers. We will sit in the lap of nature to think, reflect, share and weave our ideas and thoughts into stories. The two-day retreat will be held on 20th and 21st January at Zorba from 10-5p.m.
Date: 20th and 21st January
Venue: Zorba-The Buddha, New Delhi (
Time: 10-5p.m.
Age: 11-14 years
Group Size: 14
Cost of the program- Rs.6000(Snacks and lunch inclusive)
Cost of one day- Rs.3500
For details and to register please contact Manmeet Narang at 9871090943.
Siddhartha Gigoo, who won the Commonwealth Short Story Prize (Asia) for his short story ‘The Umbrella Man’ in 2015, will be with us on 21st Jan. as a special guest to share his journey as a writer and discuss nuances of short story writing. Siddhartha is the author of books ‘The Garden of Solitude’ and ‘A Fistful of Earth and Other Stories’. The latter was longlisted for the Frank O’Connor International Short Story Award 2015. He has also co-edited ‘A Long Dream of Home: The Persecution, Exodus and Exile of Kashmiri Pandits (Bloomsbury)’. His two short films, The Last Day and Goodbye, Mayfly, were selected for several international film festivals and won many awards. His writings have appeared in several leading magazines.
Methodology: Children will be made to go through various experiences and be exposed to stimuli so that they can come out with their thoughts and ideas. This shall be achieved with various tools like audio-visual aids, role play, readings, discussion, individual and group activities.
About the Facilitator:
Manmeet Narang is a behavioural trainer. Her entire work with children, parents, and teachers revolves around making people think, reflect and discover themselves. Her other passion is to dig into the imaginative world of children and weave stories for them. Her published work includes ‘The Amazing World of Animals’, ‘Magical World of Benny Buzo’ and ‘Jiggly Wiggly’ rhymes. When she is not training or writing, she is either reading, listening to music, walking in nature, exploring places or playing with her children.
About Sailing Leaf:
Sailing Leaf is an ecosystem that has been helping children in expressing and understanding the art of self-expression and creative writing since two years. The story of Emoticons, Flow, I wonder and Aurora are some of the other programs we offer. So far we have delivered the gift of ‘self-expression’ to a few hundred children and parents.
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