That Bird

By Saksham –

Green and black feathers, you can see it go,
Scurrying, late for the next show.
A colorful bird, fast and tiny,
with its beak small and shiny,
How does it fly so elegantly?
Knowing where to land and finding food diligently?
It’s mind seems more complex than mine,
The size  of its head looks just fine.
It swoops and glides,
And sometimes speeds up the rides.
It drops and shoots down towards the ground,
Who knows what it has found?
Probably finding a worm,
Travelling always with a constant, high pitched thurm.
Swooping and gliding and eating and rising,
There is a low chance it will attract any fighting.
Such a nice life, with great scenery at its claws,
But still it looks inside the human’s home, worrying about it’s
own flaws.
-Saksham, Grade 9, GD Goenka World School